Saturday, June 30, 2007

Rants and stuff.

Citizen Army Training (CAT). Swimming Classes. Late Night Sleeps. Livelihood classes. Journalism Class. etc. etc.

Ah..finally, I'm a certified SENIOR.
I don't know what to expect but I know that in the process there would be lots of learning in a hard way, but, this would still count as my treasured memory. 
As they say, High School is the best part of school.
I don't agree but I don't disagree either cause I'm "IN" it right now.
Let's just say I am on the process of discovering it yet.
Sooner or Later, I will find the answers.
I just hope that along the way everything would be fine and I'm definitely looking forward to overcoming everything with pride without quitting and the feeling of despair.
I really do. This is my last year in High School. It should be my best.
Best of luck to my batch mates, Batch '07-'08.=)