(Bring it on 2011!)
I don’t know what word will suit it best but I am still hashtagging the year that was. It has been my tradition to blog every 31st of December so yeah.
Tap tap tap goes my nineteen year-old self blogging on the last day of the year. Last day of the milennium decade. Last year of being a teen. Can you believe it?
That fast. But oh well, 2010 was nevertheless good. Although I ranted, cursed and sobbed almost everyday of my life, 2010 has been considerate enough.
I cannot count the memories I weaved all throughout the year, good or bad, I learned and I am very much thankful for that. The 2000 decade was also good, Thank God! Congratulations, we survived 2010!
That fast. But oh well, 2010 was nevertheless good. Although I ranted, cursed and sobbed almost everyday of my life, 2010 has been considerate enough.
I cannot count the memories I weaved all throughout the year, good or bad, I learned and I am very much thankful for that. The 2000 decade was also good, Thank God! Congratulations, we survived 2010!

(GPOY: I knocked-out 2010!)
Cheers to my teenage years! I am saying goodbye this early so that I won’t see myself in state of denial on the day that I turn 20. I look like a kid, but yeah I am turning 20 this January. You can’t do anything about aging. Nobody can escape, so 20s, I am welcoming you this early. Embracing my oldness if there is such a thing. Hurrah! I’m glad I knocked out 2010 alive and kicking. This goes to the past 19 years of my life as well. I hope we’ll all have a kick-ass year ahead.
For the new people I met, new experiences I’ve had and abundant blessings I received, I am raising my glass! For the people who stayed and cared, I love you! Cheers to you all and thank you for being part of my life in the past 12 months and should I say, 10 years. It was all worth it. We have another year to share with, and I am only hoping the best for all of us. Forget about what’s making us sad and hurt, let’s all be happy, have a heart-ache free, healthy and smooth-sailing year. I’m sending all the good vibes and luck. Let’s make 2011 epic. Be better! You know I love you! Make 2011, mine oh mine.
For now let’s just savour the hours left for 2010, enjoy the Fs: food, fireworks, friends and family! Happy Strong New Year!
Love, peace and happiness for everyone! Attraversiamo this new decade! <3
Love, peace and happiness for everyone! Attraversiamo this new decade! <3
To God be the Glory!
“Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It’s already tomorrow in Australia.” - Charles Schulz